It’s not just the seasons changing but we at About Backs & Bones are seeing the passage of time bringing positive changes too: We have several new therapists join us over the last year:

The first person you will meet is our extremely competent Melissa; receptionist and Practice admin assistant who welcome you to the clinic and arrange bookings as well as taking the strain behind the scenes.

As well as Paula and Andy we now have Joanne, a Registered Osteopath, who also performs cranial osteopathy and acupuncture. Also introducing Kasia, our Registered Physiotherapist; as well as treating sports injuries and postural or degenerative issues also has experience with the Nottingham Brain Injury Clinic treating neurological conditions.

Amanda, Jenny and Nina continue to provide excellent sports massage which as well as being used on its own to ease muscular pain, also combines very well with osteopathy or physiotherapy especially for those with ongoing sports, postural or occupational challenges.

Richard, a Nutritional Therapist is also part of our team: as well as aiming to improve your health and wellbeing through dietary changes, he can perform specific tests to identify nutritional deficiencies. You will definitely learn a lot and if you feel ‘under the weather’ and your GP has clarifed there is nothing seriously wrong then it is an excellent idea to help yourself through diet and lifestyle changes.

Similarly, but from a different approach we continue to enjoy having Diane, a Naturopathic Kinesiologist who helps work out pain and nutritional imbalances useing the kinesiology muscle testing with the principles of naturopathic treatment to promote good health.

A psychological approach is particularly valuable in times of change: Paul and Amy continue to provide a sensitive and caring counselling service and they do get busy, especially this time of year.

Change is good…it is how we progress and move on to strive to provide the best service possible…let us know how we are doing through the contact form in the website.

Many Thanks
