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Read some of our wonderful feedback from recent clients.


About Backs & Bones is not just osteopathy treatment:

It is; being freed, realigned, lifted, treated holistically, with detailed assessment and MOTs, meticulous records (so you don’t have to go through it all again and again!), maintenance, cross referral, guided with ‘homework’ exercises to reduce costs.

You deserve such treatment—I recommend you try.

I struggled in and walked out straight – need I say more?

Angela Salisbury

Came here for a sports massage on Monday evening. I could barley walk, even with crutches, and sitting down was near on impossible! After talking through all my niggles and quirks I had the most amazing massage, no muscle was left un-kneaded or stretched.

Was a little stiff and tender for a few hours but, today I have put my crutches away and am virtually pain free!

Can’t thank you enough for fixing me, I will definitely be back when I need putting together again.

Hol Steel

My doctor told me to take Ibuprofen to relieve inflamed muscles and I have been putting up with pain and discomfort for months. Three visits to the wonderful Chloe who diagnosed the actual problem as a dislodged pelvis – and  my body is now free and liberated and realigned!  All the discomfort has gone and I am back in the saddle.

Many thanks to About Backs and Bones

Ann Fravolini
Highly recommend. Had my shoulder all blocked. Couldn’t take off my tops at night. After some sessions and being given some simple daily exercises life is much easier. They are very good at what they do. Definitely recommend.
I was looked after by Paula.
Amanda Gouy De Muyncke

I have a sports massage with Nao once a month. My muscles are often tight due to stress and she gets everything moving again. She is friendly and helpful and I wouldn’t consider going anywhere else. Without her expert help and advice I know I would be in regular pain. I can’t thank her enough.

Melanie Myerscough

I’ve benefit hugely from physio from Nao. I have had back issues from cycling and desk work, and a foot injury, both of which have been successfully managed with Nao’s help. That means I can play sport and enjoy being fully mobile!

And it’s always great to have Nao’s humour and positivity when being treated

Colin Whitaker

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Our Clients Say

To book a consultation please call us on: 01332 553 332 or