Work & Hobbies
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About Backs & Bones
Some occupations cause more stress on the body whether through physical strain or mental stress. Similarly some hobbies also strain the body more…think Rigby…but also think needlework! And horse people have their dedicated section at the end of this page
Why would you need About Backs & Bones?
We become ingrained throughout our lives in adopting certain postures. After a while, it can become very difficult to change as muscles and joints tighten. Osteopathy and massage stretches tight muscles and helps you to strengthen those which have weakened; relieving pain and helping you naturally achieve a more efficient working posture.
About Backs & Bones
Work & Hobbies
Sedentary Work
We work more efficiently and with higher moral when we feel good at work and being comfortable is paramount. It isn’t always necessarily for expensive ergonomic assessments and state of the art furniture; the first step is to become aware of how you are sitting and ask “Do changes need to be made in order to achieve a posture which causes you minimal strain?”
Why Change?
Poor posture causes tiredness as your body uses energy to bring you back into line over your centre of gravity. It also makes you more likely to develop muscle or joint strain such as:
- ‘Mouse arm’/wrist
- Tendon strains eg tendonitis, tenosynovitis
- Muscle strain in neck/shoulders/back/arms
- Trigger point (tight knot) referral pain from tight muscles
- Disc protrusions in the neck causing nerve pain radiating to the arms
- Tennis elbow/golfers elbow
- Neck or back pain due to joint restrictions
- ‘Frozen’ shoulders
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Headaches; from tight muscles or neck joint restrictions
Did you know?
Muscle and joint pain led to:
- 1 in 4 adults suffering with a muscle or joint strain
- 12.3 million lost working days
- Annual cost to employers: £590 – £624 million
- Up to 30% of GP consultations
- Most common reason for repeat consultations
- Second largest group (22%) on incapacity benefit (Occupational Health Statistics Bulletin. Health & Safety Executive, 2004/5, Musculoskeletal Services Framework. Department of Health, 2006)
And all of this is amplified when you are working under pressure.
To book a consultation please call us on: 01332 553 332 or
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Physical Work
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